Progress Report - June 2022
Since our last report we have been very busy in the foundation hole.
There are now two layers of geotex and a total of 350mm of aggregate. All of this aggregate has been rolled and compacted hard.
The resulting foundation base is very strong. We got it tested and discovered that with 12 tonnes of force per square metre it deflected a mere 1.36mm.
We set out the foundations with line marking and started building the raised ground between where the reinforced concrete beams will run – they are all complete now.
Steve Ryder, Tom Sweeney, Chris Adamson and Alan Whiffen building ‘pyramids’
Next, the Tuesday gang have at last started laying concrete – just to “blind” the top layer of aggregate. There is a lot more to do.
Dave Godfrey and Mark Werrell laying blinding concrete
The Thursday gang will be following up and start placing the damp proof membrane in and putting in the steel reinforcing cages that we made up last Autumn. We know these will be a bit fiddly to connect together.
So, there are only a few more weeks’ work to do before we are ready for concrete. Watch this space!
Behind the scenes we are busy collecting more materials and getting quotations. There are two major items to buy soon – the plinth stones to replace those which were simply too heavy to extract from the ground when we demolished the building – and some fabricated steel to provide invisible support to the canopy. The internal steel frame will be used to support the reclaimed and replica cast iron canopy brackets, and thus indirectly the canopy, reducing the load on the stonework.
As always, there is plenty of work to do, so get in touch if you want to join us – contact Tim Part via the DRC office or by sending an e-mail to